Monday, August 27, 2018

Fence Accident

Yesterday, while our family was sleeping, there was a traffic accident... that ended up in our yard.  I got a text message from our neighbor telling us to go look in the yard. 

Another neighbor, actually, driving his Jeep down Broadway, got cut off by another driver and his car plowed right into our fence. :-(   It's only half done.  It's sooo labor-intensive.  K is devastated.  Obviously we will be pursuing a payout from the man's insurance.  But.... f*ck.  This sucks.  At least 5 panels need to be replaced.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Boulevard Tree Removal

Our two boulevard trees were removed this morning.   They were supposed to be removed last fall, but oh well.  I had called the city Forestry Department because the trees were much too big for the one-foot wide boulevard space they had and were ruining our sidewalks.  Turns out they won't remove the trees for that reason!  !!!  But he had already been keeping an eye on those trees because he noticed that the tops of semi-trucks are hitting the trees--  #1 because our road makes cars & trucks drive right up against the non-existent curb and #2 because the trees are too big for their location.  He agreed they should come down and that they will not plant replacements.

Now that they're gone, the house feels really exposed!  It's kind of weird!