After the TONS of April showers that we got right at the end of April, we're all craving some spring.
Time to get some flowers up! At least some fake ones while the seedlings get started on the real thing...

After seeing this pretty wreath on Pinterest, I decided to see if I could make something similar for our place. K is nuts about tulips, so I thought this would be a good choice.
If you like it, too, and don't feel like making one-- I tracked down the real thing on etsy, here:
I was planning to get red tulips like this one, but the ones I found were a pretty deep red, and I found some stems that had a mix of yellow, orange, and a lighter red. These looked so much more spring-y!
I used floral tape to put the thing together, so I suppose it might fall apart... I'll hot glue it later if the flowers start falling out. I bet the one on etsy was made better than mine.
Anyway, it still turned out cute, I think.
Yikes, I can't wait to paint this door! I love this door-- seems to be one of the few original things in our house. But it's certainly seen better days...